
This is not “quit your job, do what you love” motivational garbage. Although this is not a travel journal, most of what you'll find here was inspired by (or written during) my travels. 

This website has developed into my personal word vomit receptacle. I occasionally string together a few words aspiring to assemble a collection of articles that will hopefully become interesting or mildly entertaining reading material. 

There is not one common topic throughout my work but I tend to gravitate towards macro social conundrums; dissecting idiotic human behavior for your enjoyment. Having said that, I’m also inclined to discuss cross-border llama fetus smuggling. 

About the author

Enthusiastically cynical, multicultural man-child of the 80s. Avocado enthusiast. Business administrator by profession, argumentative critic by nature. Recycles. 

Likes: long-winded and low-budget travel, colorful and exotic food, and any strenuous physical activity. 

Dislikes: deep-fried carbohydrates, Adele, hair gel and soccer. 

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